All Episodes

Displaying 151 - 180 of 412 in total

Existential fear and existential hope: Reading Biblical apocalyptic in an age of anxiety –– Laszlo Gallusz

In a world that is fading, and filled with various world views, what is the foundation of Christian hope? What is our place in the world? What ending does God promise ...

Guest Editorial: We have this hope –– Maurice Valentine

How the Seventh-day Adventist Church includes people who work closely and effectively, people who are making progress, and people who are called- all with the aim of s...

Social media—Friend or foe? — Jeff Scoggins

Social media can be a friend or a foe, depending on how one uses it or is used by it. A few suggestions for helping mitigate negative factors and increase positive fac...

Our currency—influence — Roy E. Gane

What can we learn about influence from scripture? What can we learn about influence from Solomon? Five tips for expanding your Christian influence.

Can Christians use TikTok for evangelism? — Damian Chambers

What is TikTok? What are some problems associated with the rise and dominance of TikTok video culture? What are some practical tips for evangelism on TikTok and simila...

Sidewalk Evangelism: Three angels’ messages for the city — Sandra Dombrowski

What is sidewalk evangelism? How can we share Revelation 14 in urban communities? Five principles for city sidewalk evangelism.

The Bible alone is the answer to our questions –– Nikolaus Satelmajer

Is the Bible the standard for our theology? Do we accept it and the Lord of the Bible as the foundational authority for our faith? And if we do, how do we implement t...

All to Jesus I surrender - really, all? –– Pavel Goia

New years often bring new resolutions. But our present need may not be for a new resolution but a new commitment. Read about three new commitments God may be calling y...

On the authorship of Hebrews: The case for Paul — Félix H. Cortez

Biblical and historical evidence shows that although we do not know for certain who the author of Hebrews is, Paul is most likely the author.

Sons and daughters of encouragement — Derek J. Morris

'Saul turned to Paul' through the eyes of Barnabas. The travels and missionary adventures of Barnabas. An appeal to 'find a Barnabas' and 'be a Barnabas'.

Worldviews transformed - How God and His people can change worldview — S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley

How has culture influenced worldviews? What is a biblical worldview? How does God work to change our worldview? How can we help to change the worldview of others?

Revival and Reformation - The power of testimony — Michelle Heed

What is a true testimony and why is it so powerful?

Five steps to successfully make social engagement happen in your church — Sung Kwon

Is social engagement Biblical? How do we learn social engagement? What are five simple steps to successfully make social engagement happen in your church?

Back to the Altar — Dwain N. Esmond

In this article we discuss the single greatest threat to Seventh-day Adventist life and purpose.

Editorial - For members only — Ramon J. Canals

Does your church have a sign that reads "for members only"? Learn how to get rid of this invisible sign that prevents people from visiting our churches.

The tests of a prophet — Michael W. Campbell

How do we test a prophet? What are the 4 principles of a prophet?

Two surprising things about tithing — Robert K. McIver

Does God always bless us when we tithe? How should we respond when we don't see God's blessing after tithing?

Seven unbelievers who positively impacted God’s work — A. Jane Sabes

Seven examples in the Bible of nonfollowers of God serving respectably in God’s cause.

Entrusted with His treasure — Ray Hartwell

Can God trust us—the spiritual leaders in His church—with His money in our pockets? A pastor's: trust, privilege, calling, integrity, vocation, blessing and response.

The biblical imperative for pastoral self-care — Petr Činčala and René Drumm

How can we prioritize self care? How does self care improve our ministry?

Editorial - Call me crazy — Jeffrey O. Brown

What is the definition of 'crazy'? What makes a pastor's ministry crazy?

A new resource for a new world: An interview with two ESDA editors

The editors of Ministry interviewed David Trim, PhD, the General Conference Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research director and the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day A...

Leading our children to Christ: Adventist education and discipleship — Scott R. Ward

The importance of pastoral participation in schools. A four-step process for helping pastors partner with teachers in making Christian schools thriving centers of disc...

Family and the gospel — Drew Coons

How family and marriage enrichment ministry can lead people to Christ: A testimony of how biblical events, small groups, and training restored thousands of marriages a...

No longer orphans — Luis Duran and Karen Glassford

A story of cell phone evangelism and how effective it can be. Four characteristics of what we have been called by Christ to do in reaching those in desperate need.

A transformed church — Marius Serban

A powerful story of how God revived, transformed, and grew a divided, struggling church.

A plan to mentor new believers — Ron E. M. Clouzet

It is the church’s responsibility not only to call sinners to Christ but also to disciple them as new Christians in the faith. Here is a detailed plan on how to mentor...

Editorial - Tomorrow never comes — Pavel Goia

Christ is coming soon. How do we 'wait' for Christ? How do we get ready? What is 'proof' of Christianity?

How to organize your church for evangelism — Ron E. M. Clouzet

Four steps to organize your church for evangelism.

Change your church culture with baby steps — Dan Serns and Jacob Serns

Stories of breakthroughs and transformation in the church. How to take action to see positive culture change in your own church.

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