The Ministry® Magazine podcast provides practical, theologically deep, and inspirational content to support your ministry.

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To bless a senior — John Glass

Transitioning into ministry can be a journey filled with unexpected challenges, particularly when it comes to connecting with seniors. What strategies can pastors adop...

Pastor’s Pastor - Five ways to make a graceful transition — Ramon J. Canals

Transitioning to a new church district can be overwhelming for pastors and their families. How can you navigate this challenging time gracefully? Discover five essenti...

Accountability, teachability, and possibility - Creating a culture of trust — Larry R. Evans

How can we redefine accountability in leadership to foster trust and collaboration? This article explores the essential dimensions of accountability—both to ourselves ...

Exegeting a biblical passage: A sermonic how-to — Daniel K. Bediako

Effective biblical interpretation involves steps like understanding context, genre, and word usage, as demonstrated with Judges 11:34–40, to uncover the true meaning a...

Editorial - The right focus — Pavel Goia

Building a successful ministry requires a strong foundation in total dependence on God, prayer, studying the Word, and serving others, rather than just relying on educ...

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