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Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 385 in total

Three angels’ messages: An intensified proclamation to come — Hyunsok John Doh

This article focuses on how the battle between Michael and the dragon and the three angels’ messages are related. 

Ministry and artificial intelligence: An unavoidable reality — Rogelio Paquini

This article explores the implications of AI in pastoral ministry, provides a biblical foundation for such technologies, and offers recommendations for their use. 

Dealing with cross-cultural funerals — Daniel Kancel

How can we, as ministers in the twenty-first century, deal with cross-cultural funerals? 

Biblical perspectives on retirement: Spiritual insights for retirement success — Delbert W. Baker

Can retirement be a fulfilling experience? Does my ministry end once I'm retired? How does retirement impact my walk with Christ? 

Why church leadership should not be a solo act: Five purposeful leadership practices for churches — Jimmy Arthur Atkins

What can we learn from Moses and his father-in-law, Jethro? Exploring five purposeful leadership practices that pastors should follow. 

Editorial - Pray, pray, pray — Pavel Goia

 Can we—busy shepherds—really pray without ceasing? When, where, and how should we pray? 

Pastor’s Pastor - How to live a pastoral life without limits — Ramon J. Canals

Have you ever been influenced by limiting beliefs?  Are you holding on to any limiting beliefs?  Does God want us to be limited in our service to Him? 

The clinical pastoral education program and its benefits to church pastors — Victoria Tayo Aja

 What is 'clinical pastoral education' (CPE)?  What is the relevance of CPE to local church pastors?  How does CPE link with mission?

Spiritual healing through care — Steve Thomas

Exploring the need for and impact of pastoral care for sick and/or hospitalized people, and principles to keep you member-centered in supporting suffering parishioners. 

What is clinical pastoral education? — Ivan H. Omaña

What does clinical pastoral education have to offer? What is the learning process in clinical pastoral education? 

Cultivating divine wholeness amid human brokenness: Ministry to the sick, dying, and grieving — Amanda E. Sanders

Exploring the caregiver's experience in ministering to the sick, dying, and grieving. How can caregivers remain strong when working amid pain and suffering? What are c...

A disciple-making church — Tim Madding

A third of congregations in North America are not baptizing a single person each year. Why are churches struggling? What is a disciple and how can churches make discip...

Editorial - Plunge into the joy of evangelism — Robert Costa

A powerful testimony of how Leidy Gómez, director of citizen services in the Ibagué mayor’s office in Colombia, wanted the local administration to keep collaborating w...

Discerning signs of the times in the context of Matthew 16:2, 3 — Christopher Kabwe Mukuka

There are many erroneous interpretations of scripture pertaining to end time events. How can we properly discern the signs of the times in the context of Matthew 16:2,...

Sarah: Matriarch by God’s grace — Elizabeth Ostring

Why is Sarah mentioned by Isaiah in the context of a return to true worship, with promised deliverance and comfort?  Sarah’s story is an example of God’s grace to all ...

The authority of prophets — Gerhard Pfandl

Why did God not include all inspired books in the canon?  What is the authority of canonical prophets and the noncanonical prophets? What authority have the writings o...

When Jesus confesses your name — Daniel K. Bediako

Did Jesus mention anything about the pre-Advent judgement? What does Jesus’ confession of believers’ names have to do with the pre-Advent judgement? 

Revival and Reformation - The authentic prayer — A. Jane Sabes

We regularly refer to “Our Father which art in heaven . . .” as the Lord’s Prayer, but what can we learn about the authentic prayer of Jesus with His Father in John 17? 

The complexities of unity: A brief analysis of 1 Corinthians 11:17–34 — Eliezer A. Graterol

This article examines the profound issues within the Corinthian church, particularly the division and quarrels evident in the practice of the Lord’s Supper, as meticul...

Editorial - A great day—every day — Ramon J. Canals

Pastoral realities may preclude each day from being beautiful. Here are three practical steps that can ensure positivity and fulfillment—every day. 

Pastor’s Pastor - Words of encouragement: The impact of an experienced pastor’s words — Ramon J. Canals

As pastors, what kind of impact do our words have? A personal experience that shows the immense power of words spoken on time. 

A minister with caleber — Petronio M. Genebago

Caleb demonstrated incredible leadership. What can we learn from his focus, faithfulness, and fitness? 

From calling to retirement: Memories of a retired pastor — Roberval Moura Marinho

Stories and testimonies from a wonderful career of medical missionary work in the Amazonas, as well as lessons learned along the way. 

Seven things pastors should know about their retirees — Bruce Manners

Seven points to help you understand retirees in your congregation(s) as well as help you plan and prepare wisely for your own retirement. 

Out the other side: The unique challenge of endings in ministry — Silvia Purdie

This article identifies four reasons ministry transition can be uniquely challenging, together with four biblical themes that enable us to grow “out the other side” of...

A prophet with burnout syndrome — Wagner Augusto V. Aragão and Rubenita de Oliveira Xavier Aragão

Four truths from Elijah’s experiences and what pastors can learn from this. A five-step plan that can help the pastors prevent burnout syndrome. 

Editorial - Both-and — Jeffrey O. Brown

What should we be focused on: Justice or judgement? Prayer or action? Meditation or agitation? Spiritual transformation or social reformation? 

The Apocrypha: Their relevance to biblical studies and pastoral ministry — Davidson Razafiarivony

This article assesses the value and use of the Apocrypha in biblical studies and pastoral ministry.

Jesus: What’s in a name? — Steven Thompson

The name Jesus is derived from the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua. What did that name mean to the contemporaries of Jesus? What message did it communicate? How c...

A Puritan idea of the great controversy: Thomas Tillam and Sabbath at the last days — Donny Chrissutianto

How long have the concepts of the Sabbath and the great controversy been around? How is the Sabbath linked to the great controversy? 

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