All Episodes

Displaying 361 - 390 of 412 in total

"You Have No Authority Over Me!" — Jonathan Walter

An experience of an ordinary Christian being led by the extraordinary Savior.

Deliverance ministry—A Biblical Imperative — Michée Badé

Many churches or religious leaders have different versions of "deliverance ministries"—but what is a Biblical template? Is there one? How can we minister to those who ...

Guest Editorial: If the Son shall set you free . . . — Emmanuel Osei

How can we keep ourselves safe in Christ--safe even from demonic possession?

Keeping Our Sense of the Call — Miguel Valdivia

We are often told to follow God's call for our lives, but this simple phrase is multi-faceted in practicality. How do we sense God's call? What is our part and what is...

Emotional Hurt Lurking in the Pew — Victor D. Marshall

Why are some people unwilling or unable to forgive? What causes these scars, and how can we help people heal in the way Christ does?

How Children Experience Grief — Natalie Dorland & S. Joseph Kidder

Because children also go through loss and trauma, they inevitably experience grief. However, their grief is often overlooked or misunderstood. How do they experience g...

Making Room for Those with Special Needs — Shaun Brooks

When Jesus called for the little children to come to him, he called all children. How can we make our churches a place where all children and all people are welcome, l...

Playful fathers – by Richard Daly

Practical Pointers: The art of the "ask" – by Tony Foglio

Jesus asked more questions than He answered. In fact, “according to the Gospels, Jesus asks 307 questions, is asked only 183, and answers fewer than 10 of those he is ...

Editorial: God is love, know it – by Pavel Goia

Preachers, there is no other way to tell God’s story. To reflect upon this love, to make it the goal of your life, is the only way to...

Over half of our flock are dropouts – by Louis Posthauer

On average, across the United States, more than 50 percent of those believers who should be in church are not. They are those who profess Christian beliefs but have wi...

Narrative Preaching: Engaging young listeners as actors – by Stephen Reasor

How can preachers both meet the expectation that preaching be biblical and also capture young hearers?

The inseparable duo: The Holy Spirit and preaching – by Rodney Anthony Palmer

The power of the Holy Spirit is indispensable when crafting and delivering effective sermons. To downplay His role in preaching creates a false dichotomy between the d...

12 principles of evangelistic preaching – by David Klinedinst

As ministers, one of the most awesome opportunities we have is to preach God’s words of life to spiritually thirsty people. Most of us do this on a weekly basis at chu...

Independent congregations or worldwide organized church?

Two church leaders accused James White of something absolutely scandalous. And James readily admitted that the accu- sation was true. So, what was this tale that Iowa ...

A multichurch district board: Helping or hurting?

What exactly is a multichurch district council or board? A multi-church district is an amalgamation of several local churches in a given geographical territory under t...

Emotional Intelligence for Effective Ministry — Lori Ciccarelli Stotko

For excellent performance, EQ is twice as important as IQ. What exactly is EQ and how can it be practiced effectively?

Editorial: Where are the Miracles? — Jonathan Walter

What is the most effective ministry strategy for one of the most secular countries on earth? Furthermore, how can we experience the successful ministry that Jesus want...

What Every Pastor Should Know About Disabilities – Patrick Johnson

How do we relate to people with disabilities in our churches? How do we include them? How do we make them feel?

Hannah in the temple: A spiritual care response to involuntary childlessness

How do we, as pastors, deal with those struggling with involuntary childlessness?

Ministering to the disabled community by the local congregation – Daniel M. Forbes

I have had the privilege of becoming acquainted with and ministering to members of the disabled community and their families, as well as their caregivers. Blessings an...

​The five levels of commitment and how they affect the local church – by Diego Boquer

In my first three years of ministry, I was committed to preaching—but not to sermon preparation. The result was dozens of halfhearted sermons prepared the night before...

Jesus: God's Story and Storyteller – Kenley D. Hall

If telling stories was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for us.

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